Fo those of you who have asked about mailing charges for the cookbook.
Nothing is ever easy. I have been wondering about how to deal with multiple orders for a while. We had to make a decision for the order form in the cookbook. Unfortunately, prior to the book being available, we had no idea as to how much to charge. Now that the books are available, the cost of shipping depends on the amount and where they will be sent. First class is out of the question because it would be much too expensive. The $2.50 doesn't quite cover the mailing plus cost of the envelope. Larger amounts require boxes and again, the cost depends on how it's shipped. I understand that if you order 10 books that's $25 and it will probably not cost $25 but we don't know how else to do it and any extra money is going toward research. Try to have individuals who are buying one book pay the $12.50. You can take their checks and mail it off to the Foundation or ask them to do it. By the September newsletter we may have figured out a better way, in which case we'll be notified. If you like, hold off until then if you want a more accurate charge. Please try to sell at least 3. If you have any further questionsm please contact Mary in the BEBRF office at
thanks. Nilda
--modified by Nilda Rendino at Mon, Jul 23, 2001, 15:27:36
Re: Cookbooks
Thanks Nilda. I'm going to hold off ordring until I read the September newsletter - perhaps then I'll have a better idea of what the cheapest rate will be to mail 10 cookbooks to Toronto.June in Toronto
Re: Cookbooks
I don't mind paying the shipping cost for each book, and will simply add it on when I sell them. I do need to know, however, if people are being notified that they are ready (I mean the non-BEB people who helped us out by submitting recipes and reserving copies)????Thanks. Sally in North Idaho P. S. I guess I could make up a form with an order blank and the BEBRF address and mail them to the inidividuals who submitted recipes. The only thing is ... I'm not sure who all did!
--modified by Sally - in - Idaho at Mon, Jul 23, 2001, 23:07:15
Re: Cookbooks
I copied the order form in the newsletter on my scanner and mailed it to my mom - she is going to order 1 for her and several to pass out to friends just like I am.