Dry Eye

Posted by r coutant ® , Sep 29,2001,15:50   Archive
My right eye is starting to feel extremely uncomfortable.
Is this what everyone else's dry eyes feel like?
I had a hard time going to sleep with it last night.
Like I said it is extremely uncomfortable.

In one of Shirley's posting she gave instructions on what
to do for dry eye. If I do this will it definitely go away?


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Re: Dry Eye

Re : Dry Eye --- r coutant
Posted by Virginia ® , Sep 29,2001,17:11 Top of Thread Archive
Shirley's suggestions for dry eye will certainly help, but I'm sure she doesn't offer guarantees. It is also possible that there's something else going on besides dry eye. When eyes get too dry, you can get scratches or abrasions on your cornea. Better to at least treat the dry eye like Shirley suggested and see if it will go away. If not, you might want to check back in with your doctor.
Virginia in AL

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