Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), May 17,2002,11:04 | Archive |
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Thanks for that article June. I tried warning about the FDA and...well you saw what happened.
Re : ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY! --- June in Toronto Posted by Dee in OR ® , May 17,2002,17:04 Top of Thread Archive Still Quacked in OR
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Hi June
Re : ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY! --- June in Toronto Posted by Lyn Patterson ® , May 18,2002,21:53 Top of Thread Archive How very true! Thanks for the article - great reading. Our Government has just presented its latest Budget and they have increased the costs of medicines for pensioners and everybody else and also made it harder to be classified as 'disabled' - all to pay for the 'war on terror'.With a bit of luck it may be blocked in the Senate.
Lyn in sunny Western Australia hoping for rain
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June, I've been having problems reading anything on the computer lately, but today my eyes finally allowed me to read the article of the link you provided. There was but one word that came to mind while reading it,
Re : ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY! --- June in Toronto Posted by Christel-California ® , May 21,2002,13:07 Top of Thread Archive
obscene! I'm somewhat surprised it hasn't evoked more responses.
Thanks for sharing.Christel in Ca.
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Hi Christel, sorry you are still having probems reading the computer - I go through that as well, but I think the bb has been slow of late. Perhaps the long weekend past (we had one anyway here in Canada), gardens to work, spring cleaning (ugh) to think about, etc, have kept people away.
Re : Re: ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY!/June --- Christel-California Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), May 21,2002,16:51 Top of Thread Archive Yes, I think obscene, re the drug profits, is a good word to describe it! Take care
June in Toronto (beb/meige)
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Christel, that makes two of us having trouble reading the bb lately. I've been having a real problem keeping the ole eyes open at the computer or anywhere else lately. Things are finally starting to get better.
Re : Re: ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY!/June --- Christel-California Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , May 21,2002,19:07 Top of Thread Archive We've commented on the drug companies before with mixed reviews (which is fine). I see both sides of it but tend to lean more to the side of the drug companies. Sorry folks. They spend millions on research and studies to get new drugs approved (like BOTOX). It has to be paid for somehow. No one is going to do it out the goodness of their heart. It is a business.
If one just looks at one aspect of the price gouging, then it does seem rather obscene. There are always two sides to every story, though.Shirley in Arkansas
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I have to agree with Shirley on this one. The drug companies take alot of risk and expense with YEARS of R&D before they even begin to make any money. And then think of the lawsuits filed daily over something! If it weren't for the drug companies we would have no BOTOX, no klonopin, no chemo, no albuteral (all medications that many people depend on daily to function and to save their lives). I have a much harder time when I hear of an athlete making millions of dollars to run with a ball!!! Just my two cents.
Re : Re: ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY! --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA Posted by Kelly Saffell ® , May 22,2002,11:52 Top of Thread Archive
Kelly in DallasRe: ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY!
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No comment.
Re : Re: ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY! --- Kelly Saffell Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), May 22,2002,17:09 Top of Thread Archive Re: ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY!
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Shirley, you and I seem to always be similar not only with our BEB but also in our viewpoints regarding Drugs and what it takes to bring a product from developement to the patient. If the Drug Companies didn't make a profit, no one would buy their stock and if no one bought their stock, no new products would be able to be developed. The answer most will give is to have socialized medicine and I don't know if I am ready for that. One of the major problems that rarely gets mentioned is that when the Government changed the length of time a drug could keep its' patent, thereby allowing generics into the market earlier, they actually ended up raising the prices of non generic drugs such as botox, zocor, neurontin and the like becuase the Drug Companies now have to recoup their development costs in less time than they had before. It is pretty simple math if you understand how the economics of it work....Alan
Re : Re: ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY! --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA Posted by Alan Phair ® , May 23,2002,20:33 Top of Thread Archive
who by the way cannot get prescription coverage and has to pay for his drugs out of pocket but still understands the logic of pricing.--modified by Alan Phair at Fri, May 24, 2002, 21:45:35
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What can anyone say or do about it?You would sort of think that conscienable people who worked within these companies would not want to be associated with such greed.
Re : Re: ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY!/June --- Christel-California Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), May 22,2002,05:25 Top of Thread Archive
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